
The University of Warsaw System of Language Provision – languages for all

Author(s): Jolanta Urbanikowa
Institution/Organisation: University of Warsaw (PL)


The University of Warsaw System of Language Provision is a system financed from the University central budget whereby all students of the first cycle study programmes can learn a language choosing from a joint offering of ca 50 languages, conventional, blended and on-line courses at A1 – C2 levels.  Students are offered 240 hours of tuition  free of charge and may take advantage of consultations. Students with disabilities are entitled to 2 hours of consultations a week. By law on completion of the first cycle students must demonstrate B2 level of proficiency in at least one language. University certification system serves this purpose. Alternatively students may produce a language certificate from a recognised certification centre.

Second and third cycle students may attend fee-paying courses.

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