
MOLAN - Network for the exchange of information about good practices that serve to motivate language learners

The MOLAN network project, funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), is carried out by 45 higher education institutions and schools from 22 European countries, and four European and national organisations. The project’s principal aim is to bring about a positive attitude among young Europeans towards the learning of foreign languages, and towards other peoples and cultures. MOLAN is driven by the conviction that young people in Europe have to acquire multilingual competence for the benefit of society and of themselves.

There are clear indications that neither the principle of linguistic diversity nor the notion of lifelong language learning is widely accepted by young people and by educational authorities and institutions. MOLAN aims at changing this situation by identifying and disseminating policies, strategies and practices which enhance the motivation of young people in formal education to learn and continue learning foreign languages.

MOLAN strives to encourage

- the learning of a second or further foreign language(s)

- the learning of less widely used and taught languages

- cooperation between schools and universities

MOLAN seeks to further the exchange of information between institutions, organisations, decision-makers and policy-makers across Europe on institutional and system-based policies, strategies and practices that have enhanced the motivation of young people to learn languages. To this end, case studies have been prepared in schools and higher education institutions, which are disseminated online and via the MOLAN handbook.

The project will culminate in a major dissemination conference and a declaration to be published in all official European Union languages. Sustainability will be ensured by establishing relay points and language learning networks.

MOLAN builds on the outcomes of previous network projects launched from within the Conseil Européen pour les Langues / European Language Council (CEL/ELC), which were designed to enhance, among other things, the quantity and quality of language teaching and learning at higher education level.

The CEL/ELC is a permanent and independent association aimed at promoting individual and societal multilingualism. Membership is open to all institutions of higher education and all national and international associations with a special interest in languages