
Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative

Author(s): Tanya Flanagan
Institution/Organisation: Kildare Education Centre / Department of Education and Science (IE)


The Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative (MLPSI) is a government supported project in Ireland aiming to support language learning in primary schools. There are currently almost 500 schools taking part choosing to teach Italian, Spanish, German or French for up to 90 minutes a week for two years to level A1 of the Common European Framework. In-service training is provided and in-school support provided by regional project co-ordinators. A regional network of schools is being established to provide peer support. An important goal is to create sustainable links between primary and secondary schools. Some 22,000 pupils annually benefit from the initiative, which has greatly enhanced motivation towards language learning and success in other subject areas. The establishment of a national language policy, which does not exist in Ireland at present, would ensure the continuation of this highly successful initiative.

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