
Bradley CE Primary School

Author(s): European Schoolnet
Institution/Organisation: Bradley CE Primary School (UK)

1. Profile of school

1.1 Main characteristics

Bradley CE Primary School is a small mixed school in a rural area. It currently has 50 pupils enrolled and is funded by the state. The language of tuition in the school is English, while the home language of the pupils is mainly English, with some Spanish.

1.2 Language teaching in the schools

Language teaching in the school is still in the early stages of implementation. It was introduced in 2004 as part of the UK government's Primary Foreign Languages programme. There are no language assistants in the school but extensive use is made of communications technology, the internet, and interactive whiteboards. There is a strong policy of international collaboration in the school through eTwinning projects with Spain and Poland. The school has been awarded the International Schools Award by the UK Department of education and science.  Spanish lesson are given to the entire school through a project based learning approach.

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