IoT Languages Strategy Network
Author(s): Kristin Brogan, Riana WalshInstitution/Organisation: Institute of Technology Tralee (IE)
1.1 Scope of the initiative
The IoT Language Network is an initiative by the IoT lecturers and annual meetings are organised by Dr. Riana Walsh and Kristin Brogan, who were the co-founders. It aims to support the teaching and learning of modern languages in third level in Ireland. Presently there are 12 out of 14 IoT represented and involved in the network. All activities/presentations within the network are on a voluntary basis.
1.2 Range of languages learned
The IoT Language network fosters collaboration among different Institutes of Technology and among different languages.
Participants in the IoT network: Lecturers of English, French, German, Italian, Irish and Spanish.
1.3 Learning outcomes
Please see sections 2.2 on Strategic Goals.
1.4 Practical realisation
Design of a guideline document which was distributed to all network participants and which can be used as a reference guide when formulating an individual college internal language policy.
Organisation of two annual network meetings/workshops in different IoTs
Work Placement & Study Abroad Programmes
Invitation to guest speakers to present ideas re language policy (National & International)
The two coordinators presented the language network to the Heads of School of Business & Humanities of the IoTs
Organization of two panel discussions on the Future of languages in the IoT sector and further perspectives on the future of languages in the IoTs. Various national organisations were invited which presented both language and non-language related interests, i.e. Business, Engineering, Science and Education
Presentations on Best Practice models in language teaching
Dissemination of various questionnaires to the participants re current language status and pro-active approaches to adopt
Creation of Action Research Groups : These were established to research a variety of topics deemed relevant to language Policy & Planning:
- TEFL/EFL/ESL [Teaching English as a Foreign Language, English as a Foreign Language, English as a Second Language]
- Language Awareness
- Intercultural Communication
- Learning Styles
- Transferable Skills
- ELP [European Language Portfolio]
- CEFR [Common European Framework of Reference for Languages]
- Report research on language policies (National & International)
- European Commission websites
- CLIL [Content Language Integrated Learning]
- Life Long Learning
- Open & Distance Learning
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